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You may already have had your pregnancy confirmed or you might just think that you are pregnant. If you haven't had a pregnancy test you need to have one as soon as you can.

Pregnancy tests can be carried out on a sample of urine from the first day of a missed period. A more accurate pregnancy test result is obtained once your period is seven days late. Sometimes a pregnancy test done earlier than this may need to be repeated to check that the result is correct.

You can take a friend along with you for support. You will need to take a sample or urine with you in a clean, plastic, soap free container.

But don't worry if you can't bring a sample with you. You can give a sample of urine when you get there, but please note that the first specimen of the day gives a more accurate result. You can also buy a pregnancy test kit from you local chemist for about £10.

if you are pregnant

Once your pregnancy has been confirmed you are in a situation where you are going to have to make a choice about the outcome of the pregnancy, no matter how difficult this may seem at the time.

If you have had your pregnancy test done at a clinic in Sandwell, the nurse will have already discussed with you what your options are:

You will have been reassured of confidentiality but will have been encouraged to talk to someone you trust about your circumstances, as you probably will be feeling overwhelmed, particularly if this is an unplanned pregnancy.

continuing with pregnancy

If your choice is to have your baby, then you will be advised to see your family doctor to begin your antenatal care.

If you decide to have an abortion you will be referred to a clinic in Birmingham where the abortion will take place. You do not have to pay for this as abortion is free of charge on the NHS.

Having a baby can be a difficult and stressful time for anyone but as young parents there may be additional concerns e.g. housing, antenatal care, benefits, education and childcare.

For further help and support you can contact the Teenage Pregnancy Support team on 0121 507 2726 or 07766 466792.


If you have chosen to have the baby adopted or fostered temporarily, then antenatal care is again important. Contact numbers for social services will be given to you so that you can speak to a social worker who is a specialist in dealing with adoption and fostering issues.


termination of pregnancy

If you have decided to terminate the pregnancy (have an abortion) and live in Sandwell your GP, Family Planning clinic or Brook will refer you to a counsellor for pregnancy counselling to discuss further.

The counselling appointment is an opportunity for you to talk things through if you want to. The counsellor will not make your decision for you, but will support you with whatever decision you have to make.

If you decide to have an abortion you will be referred to a clinic in Birmingham where the abortion will take place. You do not have to pay for this as abortion is free of charge on the NHS

Do not worry, as the Family Planning Clinic, Brook and the Birmingham Clinic will provide you with all the information you need.