cutting down
If you are using any drug/alcohol and want to cut down or stop here are a few tips on how to cope:
- Instead of using do something else you like. This might be having something to eat (be careful of junk food or it could cause health problems), watching tv or some type of physical activity or sport. If you get your heart going quicker the body releases chemicals that make you feel good anyway so this might be a good place to start.
- When it starts to get too much talk about it. Sometimes sharing a problem can be really helpful and the person you speak to can give you support through the diffi cult times.
- Avoid people and places you know might tempt you to use. This can be difficult but may be essential in the early stages.
- Avoid people and places you know might tempt you to use. This can be difficult but may be essential in the early stages.
- Tough it out. Cravings can last in the mind for ages but physically will pass in a matter of days. With some drugs you may have to be prescribed medication to come off.
- Try to take your mind off using by doing something else and reward yourself when you do manage not to use.
Speak to a counsellor. There are numbers, at the (click here) ,for you to call to get advice over the phone or you could arrange to see someone face to face.
You might need some type of medication to help you come off the drug you are using and this can be sorted out by one of these services. You can also e-mail or text a question in if you want some advice without speaking to anyone.