alcohol - the science
alcohol - the science
alcohol - the science
alcohol - the science
alcohol - the science Cutting Down
alcohol - the science Activities In Sandwell
alcohol - the science Websites / Phone Numbers
alcohol - the science What is NHS Lifecheck
alcohol - the science Wolverhampton Help







The DECCA (Drug Education, Counselling and Confidential Advice) Team is Sandwell’s young people's drug service.

We work with people up to the age of 19 and do everything from education to working with young people using drugs.

If you'd like some help and advice about your drinking and/or your drug use why not get in touch with us and have a chat with one of our treatment workers.
and as mad as it might sound...

You could try talking to someone you trust. A parent, carer or good friend is ideal. It might be difficult because, to start with, they might go a bit mad but they can be really helpful and can give a lot of support when you need it most. If someone asks you for help try to be there for them but remember the services available. You don’t need to cope on your own.

Text: 0 77 81 47 27 46
Call: 0845 838 5317

talk to nathan

If you'd like some help and advice about your drinking and/or your drug use why not get in touch with us and have a chat with one of our treatment workers. 

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This is Nathan one of the treatment workers, why not play his movie?





Anchor Project

Anchor is part of the Sandwell Mental Health and Social Care Trust, providing specialist treatment for people with significant or complex drug and/or alcohol problems.  Anchor receives referrals from Open Sandwell and Aquarius when further treatment is needed.
Service provision includes maintenance prescribing, detox, access to residential rehabilitation, auricular acupuncture, additional support to families and children where there are issues of childcare concern/protection and treatment for those on Court Orders referred via the Criminal Justice Pathway.

Contact Details:

Anchor - Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service
Metro Court, 150 High Street
West Bromwich
B70 6JJ
Telephone: 0845 112 0100
Fax: 0121 612 8703

Open Sandwell

The name of the service is OPEN and they are offering a fresh approach for people with drug issues in the Sandwell area. 

OPEN is part of Aquarius, who are long established in the area, and bring with them a wealth of experience and knowledge.  As well as offering the usual support and advice for clients, OPEN will provide needle exchange, access to more intensive treatment, referrals to alcohol services, assistance with housing, employment and training.
They will operate from newly opened Metro Court in the centre of West Bromwich and will also be offering a range of services at different locations around Sandwell, including community centres, G.P. surgeries and the local hospital. 

Contact Details:

2nd Floor Metro Court
150 High Street
West Bromwich
B70 6JJ 
Telephone:0121 612 5080
Fax:  0121 612 5077
Mobile: 07769 602856



and as mad as it might sound...
You could try talking to someone you trust. A parent, carer or good friend is ideal. It might be difficult because, to start with, they might go a bit mad but they can be really helpful and can give a lot of support when you need it most. If someone asks you for help try to be there for them but remember the services available. You don’t need to cope on your own.