WHAT happens WHEN YOU USE dmt?
If you use DMT it can make you:
- See and hear things that aren’t really there (hallucinations).
- Feel confused
- Feel paranoid
- Feel scared
- Unable to talk
- Unable to move your body
- Fall asleep
- Pass out
- Feel upset
Some frogs in South America produce DMT which comes through their skin. Some tribes lick the frogs to get the effects of the drug.
The drug is so strong it makes the user unable to move or talk so it could be a big risk if someone wanted to do something to you.
It is not a very sociable drug. If you can’t move or talk you are not much fun to be with are you!
- DMT is short for N, N-Dimethyltryptamine.
- It comes from a special types of plant usually found in South America. Street DMT is made synthetically (in a lab from chemicals).
It can be also be crushed and snorted or injected. DMT is a psychologically addictive drug.
- It can also come as a powder.It is usually swallowed but it can also be snorted and injected.Lots of tablets are sold as ecstasy but are not. They could be anything and may contain no MDMA at all. This can be a big risk.
- DMT is a psychologically addictive drug.
- It is a class A drug.

It produces the same sort of effects as LSD and Magic Mushrooms.
The effects of the drug are really intense and strong. Some users get really scared and feel as though they can’t get out of the “trip”. Some feel as though they are going to die and this really freaks them out.
In some cultures DMT is used in rituals by their religious leaders. Because it causes such powerful hallucinations some people believe it allows them to have visions about what is going to happen to them and the people of their tribe in the future.

"The drug is so strong it makes the user unable to move or talk so it could be a big risk if someone wanted to do something to you."
E, XTC and disco biscuits.
The name of a tablet usually refers to the picture on it. So a mitsubishi would have a mitsubishi symbol on it.