- Look out for your mates -

Keep an eye on them - they’ll do the same for you. If you split up check in with each other regularly.
- Call a taxi before you leave -
Don’t just jump into the first cab you see when you get outside - it may not be a licensed cab at all and only black cabs are allowed to pick up passengers this way, so even if he is a licensed driver, he’s breaking the law.
Make sure you always have the number of a taxi firm with you and call from inside (that’s what your mobile’s for!). When the cab arrives ask who he is there for - if he doesn’t say your name, don’t get in. Once you’re in, check his licence number, it should be on the dashboard. Even better, get a cab with your mates (wherever possible), especially if you’ve been drinking or are in some other way not in full control.
- Don’t mix your drugs -
You may be used to taking a drug but its effects can change when taken in combination with other substances, or if taken in larger quantities than usual. Anyone who looks out of control is a prime target. It is impossible to tell the strength of a drug by looking so be aware that you may be taking something stronger than you are used to, and don’t be afraid to get medical help if you think you need it.
- Gaining consent
Even if you get off with someone it is still your right to say no at any time. You do not have to do anything you do not want to do. It is not about you having to say ‘No’ it is about you saying ‘yes’. You should want to do something not be forced or taken advantage of. If you are not able to give, or do not want to give consent for sex for ANY REASON then anyone who has sex with you is committing rape.
- Be assertive -

If someone is trying to get off with you and you’re not interested, make it clear to them. You don’t have to be rude but make sure they get the message. It’s better to put someone off verbally than to have to fight them off later. Drinking and/or taking drugs does not give anyone, male or female, any rights to your body.

- Be safe on the streets -

If you look as though you are drunk/on drugs you are much more likely to be the victim of a crime. If possible avoid walking home at all. If you do have to then know the way you are going and be aware of what is around you. If in doubt run!
- Public Transport -
If you are catching a bus late at night sit downstairs and if anyone is bothering you enlist the help of the driver. When catching a train, sit in a carriage with other people if possible. Don’t be afraid to pull the communication cord if you think you are in danger.
- Trust your instincts -
Is someone trying to get you on your own? Are you being lied to? Or do you just feel that something is wrong? If your sixth sense is telling you that there is something strange about a situation – believe it. Get yourself to somewhere safe.
- If something bad happens -

Remember you are not to blame. You can take all the precautions in the world and still find yourself in a dangerous situation. On the other hand, even if you take none of the precautions above, if you are the victim of an attack of some kind it is still not your fault. It is always the fault of the perpetrator. Don’t be put off asking for help if you need it.